About UDC

The Midfield Group is extremely proud of the partnerships it has developed with more than 3000 farmers throughout south-east South Australia and south-west Victoria. As local farmers ourselves we are committed to the land and local industry and we are dedicated to continuing our strong relationships with existing and new UDC suppliers. We are proud to continue our hands-on working relationship with our farming partners and our local management and milk supply team are accessible at times that suit our suppliers.

Why supply UDC

As a growing company focused on sustainability, in addition to local support we can offer partnering dairy farmers:

  • Smooth seasonal pricing and cash flow payments
  • Multiple monthly payments
  • Guaranteed minimum full year milk price
  • Competitive milk price
  • Buying groups to reduce input costs for feed/fert/electricity
  • No shares or investment required to get the best price for your farming system
  • Farm to your farm and get the best price for your farming system
  • Step ups are retrospective for all solids supplied

Interested in Becoming a Supplier

If you would like more information on being involved please fill out the form HERE or contact our experienced field staff.

Our team

UDC Website Profiles
UDC Website Profiles (1)
UDC Website Profiles (2)